Byerly Toe Jam Stop 4 Rail Jam,
Winch Jam and Cable Finals
16 of the world’s best wakeskaters challenged each other September 20-21 2007 in the rail park at The Projects in Bithlo, Florida during the final event of the 2007 Toe Jam wakeskate series, The Byerly Toe Jam, presented by O’Neill. Final run of the winner Ben Horan included switch and regular boardslide big spins, as well as a kickflip, varial flip and a solid kickflip off the flat rail. Here the last two rounds:

1. Ben Horan
2. Nick Taylor
Round 3
1. Brian Grubb
2. Ben Horan
1. Nick Taylor
2. Brandon Thomas
Round 2
1. Ben Horan
2. Clint Tompkins
1. Brian Grubb
2. Reed Hansen
1. Brandon Thomas
2. Steven Campbell
Ben Horan said "Going against Clint Tompkins was the most difficult time I ever had wakeskating. He’s a very, very good wakeskater". But it was also a good time for Clint Tompkins he won the winch jam at byerly toe jam.
Here the result and a picture from the amazing setup (box with 6-7 feet drop, ledge each side):

Winch Jam (8-man, 1-hour jam format Final)
1. Clint Tompkins
2. Brett Little
3. Ben Horan
3. James Balzer
Steven Campbell
Aaron Reed
Nick Taylor
Danny Hampson
On September 22 was the cable final at Orlando Watersports Complex. Conditions were perfect, glassy water. The level overall was good and Reed Hansen was amazing. His final run included a kickflip, varial flip, frontside flip, 360 flip and a double kickflip. Reed Hansen said: "If you told me to go back out there and do that again, there's no way I could."

Here the result from cable final:
1. Reed Hansen
2. Brett Little
3. Brian Grubb
3. Ben Kaiser
Picture from Rodrigo Donoso or from TAD ( Check the links for more pictures and information: Boot Final article Toe Jam Cable Finals threat Toe Jam Picture threat Toe Jam Winch Final threat | Day One Day Two Day Three |
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