Romboso Jam Results
A weekend of breath taking skating and devastating partying just came to an end. The legendary Romboso Jam has definitely lived up to its expectations. The participants showed high level water dancing as well as premier party skills. There were five plus two categories in which the riders were “competing” during the jam. The results from the first five categories were used to evaluate an over all winner (mens/ladies). The other two categories (pool, best slam) were run separately.
Dock start:
1. Dennis Knasiak
2. Dominic Frentrup
3. Tarik Ghoniem
(Neuhaus Oste)
A-frame / Box1. Big “O” Tobi
2. Andreas Kolb
3. Jan Kissmann
1. Andreas Kolb(Schwandorf)
2. Alexis Boil
(Toulouse – FR)
3. Dennis Knasiak
Slider (blue&yellow)
1. Tarik Ghoniem(Neuhaus Oste)
2. Nico Kasper
3. Alexis Boil
(Toulouse – FR)
1. Dennis Knasiak
2. Nico Kasper(Duisburg-Wedau)
3. Tarik Ghoniem
(Neuhaus Oste)
Overall Women:
1. Juli Santiego
(Toulouse – FR)
2. Tine Hoffmann
(TreeKnowledge-Berlin)3. Jehan Ghoniem
(Neuhaus Oste)
4. Laura Boil
(Toulouse – FR)
Overall men:
1. Dennis Knasiak-Maschine
2. Tarik Ghoniem(Neuhaus Oste)
3. Andreas Kolb
King of Pool:
1. Mumpitz (Treeknowledge-Berlin)
King of Slam:
Nick Skorwinder (Wakekillaz-Magdeburg)
For more pictures of this event go to the Wakekillaz homepage.
See you all next year!
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