ridiculous, amazing, best ever wakeskating blog from Magdeboogie, Germany

Friday, 20 March 2009

Treeknowlegde Core Production
production and virtual prototype video

Here are the latest news from Treeknowledge. The revolutionary new wood wakeskate is in the production process. After a meeting with all the team rider the concave was changed a little bit to make a real flip wakeskate. The cores are shaped and the wakeskates are now in the press for the upper and lower beld. The date for delivery seems to be the beginning of April.
The first video shows the shaping of the core with a Sinumerik 840D controlled 5 axis CNC milling machine. The second one is a short view on the virtual wakeskate model. This model is the base for making everything you can imagine with a wakeskate.
All videos are links to the Treeknowlegde homepage.

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