ridiculous, amazing, best ever wakeskating blog from Magdeboogie, Germany

Monday, 25 February 2008

Magdeboogie Short Video Edit

Andre Solle, member of the Wakekillaz crew, has published a short video edit from 2007. This stuff was filmed during 3 days in autumn. That's not a best trix video more the normal stuff from 3 normal days. If you want make a session like this ask the Wakekillaz crew for filming and come to Cable Island, Magdeboogie, Germany.

Switzerland News

Here are some news from Switzerland. Following events are planed in Switzerland in 2008:

Second info: the Switzerland wakeskate company NeverRide (remember the infamous winch "The Hive") has two new crew members. Here you can find interviews from Stefge (Germany), Zinti (Germany), and Kjellman (Sweden). Sorry, only the interview with K'jellman is in english. If you want more information about the NeverRide products check this post on Wakeskate Bomb.

All information is taken from wakeskating.ch. Thanks Patrick.

Sunday, 24 February 2008

New Schnitzel Wakeskates 2008

One month ago New Schnitzel (Germany) has published their new line of wakeskates. The have two flat and two concave wakeskates in there new line. Last year (2007) the concave wakeskates had some problems with the durability. I hope this problem is fixed with the two more layers in the wakeskates. Here is the related comment by New Schnitzel:
We have made the 3D concave wakeskate stronger by adding two more layers of wood. We also added more width to the skates – in combination with the 3D concave shape – they deliver secure contact to the board for controlled ollies, shuvits, kickflips etc…

All information and pictures are taken from the New Schnitzel homepage. Here you can download the catalogue as pdf.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Limited Integrity Wakeskate Pre Order 2008

Erich Schmaltz (owner of Integrity wakeskates) has published the preorder date (2/20/08 - 6pm Pacific time) for his limited composite wakeskate with Centra-Fuse core. On the picture on top you can see that they have normal concaves and small kicktails. The secound picture show the channels on bottom. (21.02.2008 correction, fin mounts are avaiable). The Centra Fuse core is a further development from his own center weight stringer system (look here old core, and here new core). The wakeskates are build in a vacuum press process like kiteboards. The production is limited on 25 wakeskates. Here are the general stats:
  • waist: 16"
  • length: 41"
  • weight: 9.5 lbs. aprox
  • Rocker (3 stage panel blend): 2.25"
  • Price: $289.00
  • sidewall color options: green (see picture), orange (see picture), or red
He says the production has started at Monday, the Feb 18, 2008. Here his quote about the delivery date: ...less then 2 weeks maybe 3 to be very safe... First come first serve... first orders will get theirs quick since we are already done with a few so far... typical Mr. Schmaltz

For more information check this threat Integ (preorders Wed 2/20/08) on ws.com. Picture is also from there.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Ronix - Team Rider Wanted!

Ronix Germany is looking for a Wakeskate Team Rider for 2008. If you need more information check The Gap Magazin. The only thing you have to take into account is that Ronix only has a Bi Level wakeskate called Zariel. Picture is from Ronix Germany.

Skate Bumps 101

Even though there's already a ton of companies out there that are offering bolt on skateboard steez I'm gonna show you today, how to fix yourself some nice skate bumps. Depending on your hand crafting skills it should take
around one to two hours. Click pictures for actual size.
Objects needed: 2 golf balls, 4 screw-in threads, 4 bolts, 1 nut (same thread size as bolts), some tools

  1. Cut the golf balls in half (I found it very usefull to clamp them inbetween two pieces of wood. In case you don't have a band saw, a regular wood saw will do the job) and grind off the sharp edges

  2. Determine the core diameter of the screw-in threads. Mark the middle of the balls and drill a hole in each with the size of the core diameter (holes can be a little bit bigger than core diameter). Depth of holes should be around 15 - 17mm (I used a small drill - 4mm - to create a guidance for the bigger - 7,5mm - drill. Tape can be usefull to mark the depth on the drill)

  3. Screw in the threads (I used the nut and one of the bolts to drive in the threads - it gives you more control and precision) untill they are sitting 2mm beneath the surface. (Screwing in the threads might create a little bump. Sand it down untill the surface is plane again)

  4. Figure out how you want to place them on your board (I chose a symetrical layout. Distance from the center of the board towards nose/tail is 250mm. Distance from the axis running the length of the board is 100mm), drill the holes in the size of the diameter of the bolts.
  5. Stick the bolts through the holes and tighten down your new skate bumps.
  6. Now go the hell out and shred!!!

Monday, 4 February 2008

Knock on Wood

Good and bad news from Treeknowlegde (German wakeskate company) - the bad first: Dominik Preisner left Treeknowlegde (he is sponsored by Hyperlite now), the good one: a short video produced in autumn 07 is online.
Check the Treeknowledge homepage for more news and information.