ridiculous, amazing, best ever wakeskating blog from Magdeboogie, Germany

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Remote Wakeskates launched

Remote Wakeskates, a division of Company Wakeboards has been launched! Rumors have been around for quite a while but now it is official. Skaters involved in the project are Silas Thurman, Andrew Pastura and Ben Horan.

Check out their blog-style homepage to keep you updated or come back here later for more info.
This is definately gonna kick ass!
Here is a interview with Silas Thurman at wakeboardmag.net about Remote wakeskates (french and english version available).


Anonymous said...

hello guy you can read this interview of REMOTE and Silas thurman

Dude said...

hi beseb, thank's for your comment and the link for the interview.