ridiculous, amazing, best ever wakeskating blog from Magdeboogie, Germany

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

CWC 777 Package

The season is over in Germany. There are only a few lifts open at the weekend. You want wakeskate without neo or drysuit over the winter month then check out the 777 package from CWC:

7 days unlimited wakeskating at winch park and cable park
7 nights stay at villa del rey, cabanas or single containers
7.000 pesos (approx. 100 Euro)

For more information check the CWC website.

New Fox Video Dieter Humpsch
2009 Wakeskate Reel

Monday, 23 November 2009

Arson Wake Sneek Peek 2010

Arson wakeskates has published the first pics of the 2010 wakeskate line at Facebook. Wakeskate Bomb got the permission to publish the pics here at the Bomb. Thanks Chris.

Arson wakeskates are famous for their durability and the massive pop.

Follow Arson wakeskates on Twitter, check the Arson homepage or go direct to the Arson Facebook account.

Yan Lecomte 2010 on Remote Wakeskates?

Yan Lecomte, the french canadian wakeskater with a very nice style and the parkour skills is one of the new Remote wakeskate team members, maybe. There is no special statement on the Remote wakeskate blog but a nice short video flick with a clean bs flip and the video below is also from him. Pic on top shows some prototypes with the 2010 graphic.

Video and all information are taken from the Remote wakeskate blog. Check it out for more video footage.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Reed Hanson on Ronix Zariel Skate
Bi Level Wakeskates

Nice flip trix! Check the Ronix website for more details.